AUGUST 2021 Character portraits and sprites. Made for the engine RPG Maker VX Ace. The portraits were intended to be very stylised, with easy-to-read emotional expressions and a unique design for each character. The portraits, when paired with the sprites, give a player a clear idea of the appearance of each character.

FEBRUARY 2022 Commissions made for a client on Tumblr. They requested visual novel-style sprites of their original characters with alternate poses and expressions.
AUGUST 2022 A concept made for an album cover of ambient music I made. Mxied media using photography and digital art. I photographed a lava lamp and edited it using Photoshop filters, added typography also in Photoshop, added illustration in Microsoft Paint using a USB mouse, and added final adjustments in Photoshop.
FEBRUARY 2022 A reference I created for one of my Dungeons and Dragons characters. The goal was to create an incredibly colourful, whimsical looking character, while keeping him from looking garish or over-complicated. I also designed a weapon for him intended to relfect his personality, themes and motifs.